Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'll admit it, I've lied before. I'm not proud of it but it's true. And I would bet the farm that you've lied too. We've all lied. Only most of us will never have to tell lies while testifying in front of Congress on national TV with our life's work and reputation at stake like baseball great Roger Clemens chose to do today.

I feel bad for him but he did lie. He failed to tell the truth.

Besides shooting B12 into his powerful backside, the Rocket also shot tons of cash into the pockets of slick sleazy attorneys who turn lies into murky half truth innuendo. He retained them to make his lies go away or even turn his untruths back into the truth.
But he’s not alone.

Clemens’ former trainer, Brian McNamee is also a liar. He saved five-year-old used needles, syringes, and bloody bandages as evidence against Clemens but nobody really knows if the evidence is real. This guy is unbelievable. And he's a weasel.
He makes former LAPD detective Mark Furman seem like Serpico.

McNamee told people including Clemens that he was a doctor with a PhD. It turns out his PhD stands for piled high and deep. Suspiciously, Clemens still kept McNamee employed even after he found out his bizarre trainer injected his wife Debbie with human growth hormones. What a strange relationship indeed.

It’s all a mess.

Today’s hearings made me sick. I feel sad for both Clemens and McNamee because they're both being used as scapegoats much like Barry Bonds. I don't have an agenda for or against Clemens, McNamee, Major League Baseball, or any athletes and trainers.

I think it’s important, appropriate, and necessary that Congress investigates all professional sports. But who will investigate Congress? When did the truth join a political party? I guess the only way Congress could find the truth is if it was a campaign contribution. I thought they’d really investigate this case and get to the bottom of corruption and performance enhancing drugs in sports but all Congress did during their hearings was scapegoat. Where are the owners? Where is the Players’ Union? Where’s Bud Selig?

All M.I.A.!
But stay tuned. This story has the drip drip effect of Watergate.

I love sports and want baseball cleaned up. We need all sports cleaned up. No more fixed games, gambling, fighting, spying, or fleecing U.S. citizens for billions of dollars because we all pay for it. We pay for it with our taxes. Usually a week or two after MLB’s opening day is when I pay mine. And it is our taxes that pay the salaries of Congress and subsidize all these giant new stadiums that our stars play in.

We ought to stop paying for these rich owners’ new mega stadiums, which take money directly from children for building more libraries and schools, and demand for their accountability.
No more free lunches on the backs of ordinary tax paying citizens.

I’m sure the truth will come out - it always does. But until then, MLB, Congress, Roger Clemens, and Brian McNamee and all of sports look small.

Very small.
Thanks for reading The Hustle and remember, give peace a chance.

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