I miss The Worm.
Dennis Rodman was as entertaining as any NBA legend ever. Hey ABC, how about doing a "Where are they now?" piece on Rodman during the Finals?
My money says he's somewhere in Vegas right now.
Trevor Ariza needs a nickname or at least the Lakers need to name a play in his honor ala Michael Cooper's "Coop-a-loop." I believe the former UCLA Bruin will earn it organically through his play during the Finals. Maybe the Ariza-loop? Or possibly Tre' Ariza? As in 3. Or finally, Trevor A-Three-za. We'll see...
ZenMaster Phil Jackson unleashes Ariza defensively like a smaller version of Scottie Pippen. Kobe has bought into the ball hawking style too. They attack opponents like hungry Dobermans.
I can imagine Phil channeling Mr. Higgins from Magnum P.I. "Zeus! Apollo! Attack!!"
Kobe Bryant is living up to the Michael Jordan comparisons. He sounds like him, plays like him, and now he has developed Jordan's steely assassin's mentality. I think Kevin Garnett taught Kobe his last and best lesson.
Carpe Diem or else!
Syrupy smooth Lamar Odom needs his own candy bar. Obviously, it would be called the "Lamar Bar." Evidently, he has a serious sugar tooth and really knows his sweet treats. I see an endorsement deal in L.O.'s future. Snickers? Gonna be a while? I think not.
I plan on grilling and enjoying hot dogs on the 4th of July while watching Manny Ramirez's return to Dodger baseball. I am eager to hear what Vin Scully has to say. How will Vinny handle it? I wonder if he will express his opinion. I doubt it. Class act.
How do I feel about roids? What do we tell the kids?
Well, I feel the same way regarding Manny as I do about most athletes using (Performance Enhancing Drugs) PED's. It's a teachable moment. Tell the children the truth. Most PED's are medically unsafe, morally wrong and/or illegal, dishonest, and selfish. Who knows what these drugs will cause in 10, 15, or 20 years from now. What about grandchildren? Yikes! It's not worth it to possibly shorten your life.
Manny, I ain't mad atcha. And Baseball is nowhere as bad as football. Oops. SHHHH! The NFL and steroids are never to be spoken of or written about... It's Verboten!
Derek Fisher (above) is a Hustle Hall of Fame Hustler.
Big Ben Roethlisberger is looking as big as ever. He is enjoying the off season and has matured into a pretty cool, down to earth kind of guy. It seems he has the same diet as I used to have but Ben's young enough to burn it off in training camp... until he turns thirty. Then he'll need a nutritionist.

The Van Gundy brothers (Stan & Jeff) could make extra cash as celebrity look-a-likes. Stan and that mustache look like Ron Jeremy and Jeff will always be Beetlejuice to me.

Jeremy or Van Gundy?
Finally, LeBron James is better than Kobe but the Cavs are not as good as the Lakers. Kobe is the Master and LeBron is still Grasshopper.
Speaking of David Carradine and Kung Fu, he was one groovy Zen dude. RIP brother, you will be missed.
David Carradine as Kwai Chang Caine on Kung Fu.
Thanks for reading The Hustle and remember... Give peace a chance.
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